Emergency Preparedness
On this page you will find instructions on what to do in a school wide emergency, as well as helpful emergency preparedness links.
Provided by: Mann PTSA Emergency Preparedness CommitteeFor School Emergency / Closure Information
Emergency Communications System -
LWSD Emergency Operating Schedule
Plans for school schedule changes such as school closure, late start and limited bus service
During the School Day
If an emergency occurs that requires the school to close early, there are several pieces of information you should know that would assist in the dismissal of students. You are asked to review this information and to share it with any person you have authorized to pick up your child in the event of an emergency.
It is very important that you follow the proper procedure in retrieving your child. The school has a detailed plan for emergencies and for releasing children. This plan will reunite you with your child as quickly as possible while still keeping track of where each child is, who has picked up each child, and the destination of the child upon leaving school grounds.
What you need to know:
- Be sure to bring your picture I.D. with you to the school.
- Do not enter the classrooms, teaching areas, or playground. Go directly to the lobby or student pick up areas (which may be located outside depending on the emergency..)
- Take a deep breath and be prepared to be patient. This is a big task. The staff will work as quickly as possible.
Step 1: You will start in the line entitled “Parent Check-In”
- While in this line, you will fill out a form titled Student Release Form.
- When you make it to the front of this line, the person in charge will take your form, check your I.D., and verify that you are allowed to pick up the child you are requesting (based on who you listed on the emergency form filled out at the beginning of the school year). You may only take someone else’s child if you are listed as an emergency contact on his/her form.
- A runner will be sent to retrieve your child. You will be sent to the second line entitled “Reunion Release”.
Step 2: You will now need to wait in the second line, “Reunion Release”. The runner will be in the process of picking up your child from the student assembly area.
- When your child arrives with the runner, the person in charge at the STEP 2 table will again check your I.D. You will then be asked to sign that you have been reunited with your child.
- All the paperwork will remain with the staff at the school.
- Once this is completed you may leave with your child.
Other information to think about:
- If this is a severe emergency, the school’s full “Incident Command System” will most likely be in place. We will need volunteers. If you can stay to help, please do so.
- If you have arrived before the Parent Check-In/Reunion Release staff has set up, please be patient. You may not leave with your child until you have gone through both steps outlined above. Consider volunteering to help in the set up.
- The parking lot will most likely be closed off to allow access only for emergency vehicles. If you live close, please walk to the school. If you need to drive, park on one of the streets close by.
- Stay calm; be helpful: Your child is in the safe care of familiar, loving hands.
- Please do not call the school.
- Call the Lake Washington School District office: People will have the time to get the information you want. (425) 936-1200 or check the LWSD website for information at www.lwsd.org.
If you come to the school during an emergency, please follow the directions from staff and volunteers – they will be wearing orange vests to be easily identifiable.