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New to Mann

Information for parents that are new to Horace Mann Elementary

LWSD School Boundaries

Registering New Students

LWSD Calendar
For a quick view of the LWSD school year

School Calendar
For Mann school-specific information

Horace Mannager Newsletter
This is a weekly newsletter from the school with information about school, district, and PTSA activities.

Daily Schedule
School hours are 9:20am until 3:50pm except on early release Wednesdays when school gets out at 2:20 pm. The earliest drop off time is 9:05 am.

School Supplies

School Lunch
Every child has a lunch account. Lunch menus, fees, and the ability to add money to your child's account is available online. You may also send cash or a check made payable to LWSD to the school office with your child’s name attached.

Food Allergies
Please inform your child's teacher and clearly state the allergy(s) on their Nurse Alert Card which be in the First Day Packet.

Taking Medication at School
All medications will need a doctor's prescription and a signed medical form available from the office. All medications include over the counter and prescription drugs. Sunscreen needs an additional form and students can only bring lotion/stick sunscreen, no sprays. Students must be able to apply sunscreen themselves. 

Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours and not have vomited for 24 hours before returning to school. To know when to keep your child home, look here. Children will not be kept in from recess due to illness. If they are too ill to go out to recess, they should stay home.

Absences and Late Arrivals
Please call the school office 425.936.2611 if your child will be absent or arriving late. We have an answering machine, so you may call at any time. Leave your child's name, grade, and teacher's name along with a message stating whether your child will be absent or late. Click here for information on the importance of school attendance.


At Horace Mann, we believe family vacations are important and special. But, we ask that you consult the school calendar to plan vacations during scheduled school breaks. Student achievement and classroom attendance are positively related. When students are not in school, they miss valuable instruction. For more information regarding this topic, please see our student handbook. 

Wet Weather Recess
Student will go out to recess in the rain (hood or hat recommended). Indoor recess will only take place in the case of severe weather conditions such as thunder, lightning, or extreme rain and wind. Also, students line up outside the school each morning, rain or shine. Please make sure your child has a jacket to help them stay dry.

Horace Mann is a walking school. You can find suggested walking routes here. Only students with special conditions are bussed to school. You can find bus information on the LWSD website.

Weather Related Closures
To ensure that all families know when school has been cancelled or delayed, Lake Washington School District will place a call to all parents via School Messenger beginning at 6 am on those days. The information will also be posted as a school alert on the home page of the school website, at, and on many local television or radio stations.

Volunteering at the School
For the safety of our students, all volunteers must go through the district's volunteer application process before beginning their assignment. You can pick up an application in the school office or apply online on the district website.

Visiting the School
Whenever you visit school, you need to be "buzzed-in" to the school office. Then, you will need to check in at the office and show your identification.

Joining the PTSA

PTSA Sponsored Enrichment Classes